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Condo Hotel Financing in Miami’s Booming Hotel Market

Condo Hotel Financing in Miami's bustling hotel market opens up a world of opportunities. Miami-Dade County not only leads the nation in hotel occupancy rates, but the allure of investing in a condotel—a unique blend of apartments and hotels—has also…

Current Mortgage Rates: Insights for Real Estate Professionals and Investors

Current mortgage rates are a critical factor influencing the real estate market today. With the current rates hovering above the lows of the past, the strategy for securing and advising on mortgages requires a nuanced approach. Here's a comprehensive guide…

Inversión inmobiliaria en Miami: ¿Por qué Colombia lidera las búsquedas?

El mercado inmobiliario de Miami siempre ha sido un punto focal para inversores y compradores internacionales. Sin embargo, en agosto de 2023, se observĂł un aumento significativo en el interĂ©s proveniente de Colombia. SegĂşn un informe reciente de la AsociaciĂłn…

El Ascenso del Valor Inmobiliario en Miami: 12 Años de Crecimiento Sostenido

El valor inmobiliario en Miami ha alcanzado un hito impresionante: 12 años de apreciaciĂłn consecutiva del precio de las viviendas. Esta tendencia al alza refleja la fortaleza, resiliencia y atractivo constante de Miami como destino residencial e inversiĂłn inmobiliaria. Un…

Florida Real Estate Boom: The second most valuable real estate market in the U.S

Florida is in the spotlight. According to a recent study by Zillow, the Sunshine State has surpassed New York, establishing itself as the second most valuable real estate market in the United States. This achievement is the result of a…

La posible MansiĂłn de Lionel Messi en Fort Lauderdale

El mercado inmobiliario del sur de Florida siempre ha sido un imán para celebridades y personas con alto patrimonio neto. Pero cuando una sensaciĂłn global del fĂştbol como Lionel Messi muestra interĂ©s en una propiedad, está destinado a causar revuelo.…

3 Ways to Save Money By Making Your New Home Energy Efficient

Energy is one of the biggest ongoing expenses for homeowners. Fortunately, there are ways to decrease your energy bills by making your new home more energy efficient. As a homeowner, this is one of the best areas to invest money…

Transform Your Home This Spring: Simple Yet Effective Refresh Ideas

As spring blossoms and breathes new life into our surroundings, it’s the perfect opportunity to rejuvenate our homes. Whether you’re interested in tackling a modest decluttering project or embarking on a more substantial transformation, we’ve gathered a variety of ideas…

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